The Leisure Bay Conservancy is situated in Leisure Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and incorporates the area from the Boboyi River in the South, the Thongazi River in the North, the Indian Ocean in the east and the R61 in the West and registered with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and Conservation KZN since January 2012. MISSION To preserve in perpetuity the natural environment of coastal and riverine forest, coastal bush and grasslands for the benefit of the creatures occurring there and the delight of future generations of humankind. OBJECTIVES To protect and manage the environment through the application of sound conservancy practice, including the control of alien vegetation and the removal of snares. To educate, generate interest and active participation by residents and other interested parties, including South Coast schools, in the preservation of the Conservancy’s ecosystem and the associated flora and fauna. To promote public awareness of the importance of the natural environment and indigenous flora by providing access to an unspoilt setting of particular biodiversity and natural beauty. To raise funds to achieve its Objectives and fulfil its Mission. Contacts: Libby Goodall (039-319 2665 / 082-561 6993)
Jenny Koen (039-319 1216 / 082-857 3363)
Email address:
Website content and layout:
Steve Botha
Do you need more information? Get in contact with us today! |
The Leisure Bay Conservancy is situated in Leisure Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and incorporates the area from the Boboyi River in the South, the Thongazi River in the North, the Indian Ocean in the east and the R61 in the West and registered with Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and Conservation KZN since January 2012.
To preserve in perpetuity the natural environment of coastal and riverine forest, coastal bush and grasslands for the benefit of the creatures occurring there and the delight of future generations of humankind.
To protect and manage the environment through the application of sound conservancy practice, including the eradication of alien vegetation and the removal of snares.
To educate, generate interest and active participation by residents and other interested parties, including South Coast schools, in the preservation of the Conservancy’s ecosystem and the associated flora and fauna.
To promote eco-tourism, bird-watching and public awareness of the importance of the natural environment and indigenous flora by providing access to an unspoilt setting of particular biodiversity and natural beauty.
To raise funds to achieve its Objectives and fulfil its Mission.
Do you need more information? Get in contact with us today!
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